Mood: Good
Music: Turn Me On
What a nice day it was today. From start to finish. Woke up very early this morning, made them chocolate pancakes, heart shaped sausage (LOL) coffee, and juice. Each place setting had a rose on the plate along with a hand made card. Candles lit, never had a candlelight breakfast before. Was very pretty. Woke them each up. "Honey, I know it is very early, but I made you a special breakfast." I told them both. Sleepy-eyed the both stumbled their way to the kitchen. Eyes widened when they smelled the breakfast filling the air. My eyes filled with tears as I told them how much I loved them and how blessed I felt inside my heart and my life to have them complete me. I just don't know where I would be if I didn't have them. Well, I do know, and I am glad I am not there. I just love chocolates, so it was no surprise that I loved my box of candy. We finished up breakfast, and all got ready as we normally do every morning and I sent them on their way. Katelyn was worried about her singing Valentines that she had to do for choir today. She has been battling a cold and sore throat. I told her she was going to have to "Milli_Vanilli" it today. LOL Then I had to explain who they were, or more importantly, who they were not.
Got to work and Robert brought me up a box of chocolates with a cute little heart attatched to it. That really surprised me, I wasn't expecting it. It was so sweet of him. My day went on as it usually does, actually, better then normal come to think of it. They were looking for me at work,I was on the phone with the ENT doctor. When I came out, there stood JP with these beautiful lavender-pink roses. He handed them to me, and this great smile came across his face. He just isn't one for smiling a lot. I was delivered these wonderful smelling flowers. I just adore flowers, of all kinds. My Love, sent me roses. I feel loved this day, not because of the cards, flowers or candy. I just thought for a moment....I am a very lucky women. Then of course the guys at work had to harass me from time to time went they came past my desk. I think it was more or less they were remained what today was and they better stop on the way home. :P
Came home, made steak and shrimp for dinner. Had a beautiful card waiting for me, with a MASSAGE gift certificate in there!!!! I LOVE GOING THERE!! I was so thrilled. It has been so long since I had one, I can't wait! Talked with my ma, she got her package and card that I made her. My Aunt and Uncle received theirs are well. All loved the taste of the spicy turffles I made. I just love the holidays. It brings out so much in me. Now if I can figure out how to keep that feeling with me 24/7...sigh. My thoughts went to a memory of my grandparents of years ago. She was in the hospital after heart surgery. I was pushing my grandfather in a wheel chair. It was the day before Valentines day. He looked up at me with this big welling eyes. "You have to take me to the store. Tomorrow is Valentines Day. Your grandmother will be expecting candy and a card from me." Of course I agreed to do with him , for him. And pop would ALWAYS sign his cards with a little not added.I don't think it was expected but always hoped for. But the two of them didn't need this day to show their love. My G*D, they went through the roughest of waters and shared the joyous of sunsets and sun rises. He passed away before Katelyn was born, which broke my heart. My gran passed, 6 years later, just before my nephew and cousin were born. The Lord works in mysterious ways. Ones love , joy and happiness should be shown all the time, not just on certain holidays.
After dinner, we went to this little mom and pop cafe. I love it there, so quiet and peaceful. What a nice way to cap off the day with a lattte. Came home and snuggled. Took care of Kates cold, sent her off to bed.
finally talked with my ENT too today, so it was good all around. This is one day that I didn't have a complaint. I'll just save anything for today and push it to tomorrow..hehehe
I hope YOU were with someone you love today, I know I was!
xoxo Happy Valentines Day!