Mood: unsettled
Music: Hollaback GirlI just love the snow!! MORE MORE!!! We got more then we thought we would, but that's ok with me. You just have to love the change in seasons, I know I do. This time of the year is the best for fireplaces and snuggling up with someone you love to keep warm. Managed to get out in it a little bit. Wish I could of found my regular winter hat, think I may have ruined my cowgirl hat that I got when I went to Texas for a bit. I think the snow falling on it broken down some of the fibers in it, just stupid of me..Sigh. Was a cool hat too :( I will just have to ask for another one.
Anyhow, haven't been on here in a few days. Neurology came back all good, but I have an appointment with him tomorrow to go over everything. I think he may have been right about the sleep issue, well the lack of sleep I was getting over the months. He put me on Lunesta, works really well for me and doesn't make me feel worn out or groggy in the mornings. I think being anemic too, isn't helping me at all. You try to eat better and do more, but that isn't working. I should ask for a blood panel be done again to see where I am with that. Maybe that has gotten better too over this time. On the other hand, I have had it with my ENT doctor. They request a CAT scan of my sinuses, I take them the films, they don't want that, just the report, so I have to take the films back for the reading. ( one would think the ENT could read these films!) Then it takes days for them to call me and call me while I am AT WORK, and leave a message to call them, that the doctor wants to talk to me himself. Now, how often do you hear that the doctor and not one of his flunkies wants to do the talking?? So I call back, NO RESPONSE from them since Thursday when they left the damn message to call. Now they had all day Friday to call me. I called there all day on Friday and no answer, then at 3:00 the answering machine kicks in! WHAT THE HELL!!!! THEY CLOSED AT 3 THAT DAY!!! ASSHOLES!! Headaches, three holes, two of which the END made in addition to the original one, facial pain, teeth numbing and bleeding. And he will say this.."Oh we don't see anything on the scan!!!" Mark my words! When does this become malpractice???Just seems that after my surgery, their care and seriously went on a down slide. Maybe I expect too damn much for them to contact me, no I don't think I ask too much. Come hell or high water I will be getting a hold of them one way or another, either by phone, and heaven forbid I have to show up there, I will NOT be in a pleasant mood!
Good time for us to go outside and build a snow man....I would make snow angels, but Im too much of a devil >:) for that to happen....
As long as I have Larry and Katelyn by my side I can get through anything..I am blessed..
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