Making Lemonade

Mood: on edge
Music: Nickel back--How You remind meWell, like they say..."When life gives you lemons, make lemonade." I have made so much lemonade my throat burns from the pain of it downing down. Had my tests at the neurologists today. I always go into these things about doubled over from fear, mostly of not knowing what I am in for or just the end result. The nurse was really nice, which is always a plus. First test was done with 25 electrodes. Which first, my head was mapped out, marked up with marker, scrubbed then with pumice gel (which hurt, BTW :( ), then she put my hair into small pony tails all over my head. Then proceed to glue the elecrtods on. About an hour with that test with several smaller ones with those as well. Then sound and eye tests with a different set of electrodes,which I had to go through the same procedure again to glue them on. Goofy stuff like you see on TV. Flashing lights, spinning patterns and heavy breathing. "I was thinking are you trying to check me out or work me out?" One time I thought for sure I was going to pass out, thank G*d I was laying down. Now, comes the hard part. WAITING. I am thinking that everything is ok with all of it. I had the MRI done and that came out good. So I don't see why this one would come back bad. Electrodes put up more detail in your system. In a way I hope there is something, would explain some of the symptoms I have.
More to come with the results.
Mom sounds really good today. I'm happy about that. She just can't afford (life wise) to get sick.It's still hard to be so far away when things happen to family. And it seems there is a strain of flu going around too. Have heard several people at work have/had it, some family mebers as well. I get the flu shot every year but there is no saying not getting sick.
Well, time to hit the shower, have to get the glue, pumice gel and marker off my head.
When you love me the way you makes my life so joyful......I am blessed with my family, near or far. Larry and Katelyn are my life and my world. Tootles..
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