Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Humpty Day

Mood: mellow
Music: Frozen--Modonna
Hump day today...thank g*d!
The afternoon was ok, nothing exciting today. I had a tug of war with my morals the other day. But you have to always do the right thing, even if it hurts. But then again, what hurts you might protect another. In the long run, I know it was the right thing to do.
I heard from a guy I trained in the medical field with last night. Was nice to know that he was thinking about me and messaged me. It kinda kept me going the rest of the night. He was a great guy when we were in class. I am sure Scott just loved class, after all he was the ONLY male in the classes were stressing me, he was there to keep me, and well the rest of us going. He has since moved on and now has his own business. Doing well. His favorite guy in music, ELVIS. So every time I hear Elvis, I think of Scott doing his Elvis impersonation, "Thank you, thank you very much!" I asked him if he drank that bottle of wine that I gave him. "Nope" , he said, "waiting for my wedding!." "OH, your getting married?" "Nope, just waiting for me to get married.." LOL so we had a good laugh about that.
Talked with mom last night, she sounds really good. If she stays on the meds and eats, she should be ok. She really needs to get some weight on her. I know and she knows too, that the weight would help around the metal in the hip joint. Its funny, now when she goes to the airport, she sets off the scanners. You can see her in the distance getting pissy with the secruity person, as she tried to explain WHY it is going off. So through my tears of seeing her leave, we have a good laugh too. Chritmas seems like so long ago, but yet it was just a few weeks ago. Miss the whole family so much. I Just go to work, try to get through my day so the next and the next and the next will get here, till I see them again.
Your Frozen when you Hearts not open......


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