Happy Friday The 13th

Mood-- Laid Back
Music--Garth Brooks...STAND OUTSIDE THE FIRE
Well, I hope everyone survived Friday the 13th. Acutally, my day was good, I think I had the 13th the rest of the days leading up to it. Horrible work week.
Nothing really too new going on. Keeping up with my moms health is my main a concern right now. Anything going on other then that dwarfs that issue.
Not doing to be doing to much this weekend. Just going to hang out at home, watch some movies, clean the house, the usual thing for this weekend.
I love the change in seasons, but it seems mother nature has been changes over the years. One day we can be very cold, then the next day, mild....sigh.
Fall is still my favorite time of the year. The colors, the crisp air, walking in the parks on the trails. Jeans and sweater weather, gotta love that. Well I do anyhow!
Well....have a good day, not too much for now, maybe later. Tootles
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