Repost from my Yahoo 360 weblog
Wedding Day....
Was a long day yesterday running around town getting some things ready for the wedding today. Ring needed to be resized, cake, few things for a small gathering. The holidays can be filled with so many things to do. Same date , same people, just 6 years later. Everyone should find someone to spend a lifetime with. Life can be a cruel place to live and just walk around in. At least you know there is one person you can or should be able to turn to no matter what happens. Should be a pretty good night.
Went to my aunt and uncle nowakowskis in the afternoon. Its always good to have some one on one with them. My aunt can be a funny one to talk with. The two of them are very heart felt people and have a great family. Still funny how you look at them and they are all grown. Makes you look at yourself and wonder if you have, grown too. Not just just in body, but mentally and spiritually too.
Joey just got up....got my morning hug from him. He is a great kid. I will talk more about him later on,there is alot about him that makes you look at life in a differant light. I know if I was around him everyday I would learn better about having patience. Its incredible....
Well time to get moving around here, house full of people and one bathroom....you do the math!LOL
*****(photo was placed here on 01/06/06. This is me and my brother Jess on his wedding day (12/28/05) It was a very nice evening with blessings and family and friends all around. Everything went great. Cake and coffee was shared with everyone.Well wishes flowed through the evening for the couple.)
Wednesday, Dec 28, 2005 - 10:40am (EST)
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