Repost from my Yahoo 360 weblog
Yucky days.....Tuesday, Dec 06, 2005
Well, once again sometime has past since my last entry, around thanksgiving time. I had my surgery yesterday...man am I in pain. Of all the surgeries over the years, this one has to be the worst. I dread when I have to back in on Thursday to have the packing taken out. Hopefully, the surgery will have been a sucess. I would hate to have to do this again. I can't even imagine what people feel like after a nose job or face life. The pain must be crazy. Thank G*D I took two weeks off, no way in hell I would be functing within a week.
Had two birthdays this past week to celebrate, both were nice. Kirby is now a teenager!!!!! Seems like those 13 years have flown by so fast in some aspects. She is a great kid and smart. Bad thing was, last night she had her first Christmas choir concert, I couldnt go. I was too sick. But LT taped it for me, she and the rest were just great, wish I could of been there. There is another one tonight, if I rest enough, perphaps I can go. I dont think its the sick feeling so much holding me back, but the guard that is over my nose....lol its not to cute. Just breaks my heart not getting to her functions.But I know she understands right now.
I guess I will have to keep this one short, starting to get tired from the meds..
Tuesday, Dec 6, 2005 - 04:08pm (EST)
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