Lazy Sunday

Mood: laid back
Music: Sanata w/Sam I Am--I am somebody
That song just get me going. Its happy and peppy :). I first heard that song at a moment I think I needed to hear it. They say that everything has a reason. It gave me the message of was supposed to, I think.
Just laying around today. If it is a national holiday tomorrow, then why in the hell am I working tomorrow? But then again, not everything can just shut down. Companies/businesses need to carry on....sigh. Didnt do too much today. Normal Sunday things. A little Wally-World shopping to get a few things. A newpaper that I wont read till around Weds. I am I always do that, so I dont know why I bother.
Working on getting my mom out here. Its like pulling teeth. I know she isnt feeling well at the moment and I understand. But, ya know.. I just want to see her. It is just the pain of knowing she could be with me here, all the time, but well, I fucked that up. I have been told to let that burden go, that I carry, so many times. I just cant, probably never will.
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