Tired of being tired!

Mood: on edge
Music: You are so beautiful--Jo Cocker
Nice song, but I certianly don't feel that way, to myself or anyone for that matter. Put's me more down at the moment....G*D!!!!!!It is everything opposite of what I feel... Just tired or being tired..
Wow...I haven't been on my blog in a week. And what a worse shame..Nothing much has happened since my last post on my birthday. Just the same shit different day. :(
Still hurting a lot from my nose. Now I have three holes in there instead of the original one I started out with. What an asshole my doctor was last week too. What does he think this is some sort of picnic for me? If it is a picnic, then the damn ants are ruining my day. I have constant head aches, ears hurt, some sort of "clicking" sound I hear when my air ways clear. And my front teeth are as if they have been numbed. I just don't get it!!!! Why isn't this doctor not listening to all of a sudden? He was so good in the beginning, now everything is falling to the waist-side. Called there today, to see if he can give me some sort of antibiotic in case there is an infection going on. "FINALLY!!!!"......He is going to send me for a CAT scan on Friday to see why I am not healing and why I am suffering with everything that I am experiencing.
While I am thinking of scans, I need to call my neurologist for my results if they don't call me sometime by Friday. I am sure those take a little time to read and interpret. I am to the point, I just want to crawl into a hole and die. There is nothing in my life I can just dance about at the moment. My coping skills suck and I am falling apart. With, which it seems, no where to turn.
Working on a cake for a woman at work, her last day if Friday. They think I am Martha Stewart in there. You do a few things and they keep coming back to you over and over again. "Oh, by the way boss, my get well card must of gotten lost in the mail from you and my co-workers..??" Someone needs to get the dirt off my back and the claw marks off my neck!!!! But really, I do love doing my crafts and my cakes for people. It is like the one time I feel like I have done something, well, that's ok. This one is a rainbow with a pot of gold. Came out ok, I think I have done better cakes. Just not enough time to get this one done. They eat like pigs at work anyhow and will barely notice what it looks like. I am sure that Tammy will appreciate it. At least, someone cared enough to see her off.
Enough babbling on about nothing important....Tootles
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