wHo HaS tHe Key???

Mood: depressed
Music: UnWeLL
FrUsTraTion aNd PaIn fill mY dayS lately. AnYthiNg I ExpeRience (medicaLLy, sPiriTually)righT now meanS notHing. You WaNt To bE soMeWherE else buT iTs noT possible. You wanT to ChanGe thE patH thAt lieS befoRe YOu, you CaN't. Wanting to taKE away sOmeOne elSe's pain and aDD it tO your own, yOU can't. YOu just Want to hiDe your hEAd and BurY yOur soRRow. ArOunD me Are faMIliar faces. WOrn oUt places. You can't take sOmeOne aND lead them ThROugh the fire wHEn you don't knOw if you wiLL get burnt. ThEre is SO much to bAre, MY skin, my soul, my hEaRt, my very eSSence. ThEre are wOunds I have that wOn't heAl. ThEY R scars I will 4ever hAve to walk With. NO one can UnDerSTand my disposition, the WAY that I am. I fEEl there aRe times I have no wHeRe to turn. TheY lOOk at me, bUt they dOn't see me. There is nO way TO be redEEmEd wiTh mY siNs. Of the heaRt, of THE sOul. Any cRimEs THat aRe eVeR coMmiTTed sHape the way we see tOmOrrOw. HOw we live, HOw we Raise OUR kids, hOw we treat OtheRS.
How Do yOu seE Me? Do I CaRe thOugh Of whAt U May tHink?Sure I do. Do I liVe 2 Ur stanDards? Do I disaPPoint U? Do U haTe Me? Do U LoVe Me?
You see the door, but you just don't have the key.....
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