Sneaking up outta the blue....

Mood: Up Beat
Music: What Hurts the Most....Rascal Flatts (AWESOME SONG!)
My posts have really been lagging lately. Been working, working out, working..Just too tired to get on here from time to time.
Anyhow...for some odd reason I went on a search site and located a few people I used to go to school with, HS and GS. It's odd how you want to see how people are doing and what life has dealt to them, some great , some not so great. I know I have had my ups and down. Somewhat content at the moment. There is always room for improvement. I just don't ever want to be number 1 in anything, what's to shoot for after that? I tell my daughter that too. Number 1 once in awhile is ok, but don't forget where you came from and how you got there. Everyone has to struggle in life in some form or fashion.
Been chatting back a forth a few times with a guy I went to HS with. I am so happy how well things are for him. He was the clown, the girl chaser, etc. Man, I was shocked when I heard what he has been up too over the years. He has totally changed. Well I don't know about totally..LOL but a lot of it for the good. Sometimes you think of those HS days and wish you could go back there for a moment. The dances, the football games, the pep rallies...sigh We both spoke of jobs, kids, marriages and moves. Yeah, and even about how age can get up on you when you aren't looking. Spoke of being back home, not getting there like we used too. I actually went through my old wedding album and found his pic with his GF (now wife) at the wedding, was funny to see it. I just sit here with a smile on my face, knowing that I got the chance to reconnect with someone from the past and they where happy to hear from me. To me...That's AWESOME!
Is there someone out there you want to speak with again???WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?? I figure the worst that could happen is that they just pass you by, what a loss to them.
Sometimes, a blast from the past can get your heart pumping to know that someone has thought enough to think of you and contact you.
CCHS Class of 88 is STILL the best!!!
I have to say thank you, to Steve. If he wouldn't of answered my silly email, I may not have found myself looking at old photos, thinking of old friends and good times. I hope he and his family are blessed over time. Something so simple has put a joy in my heart and a smile on my face.
The photos are my HS senior photo and then other is me now....
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