Your hand in mine...

Repost from my Yahoo 360 weblog
my movements are slow, my speech seems to be impaired, my thoughts are imcomplete. My body aches with pains every moment of my days. I long for the reason of why my life is being treated this way. Its hard to make people understand when I don't have the answers myself. I know I need to seek a resolution, if for anything to know I am not crazy. I can't even take your hand when I can't hold mine up for but a moment. I weep within my soul and it shows in my eyes the dispare and longing of freer moments. I know I am not alone with the way that I feel but it is hard to seek those that I do not know, I can not look if I do not know where to start. I know you want to help me, but you do not know how or where to start. Not do I for that matter. We can look into each others soul and wish it away and ignore it but in time, that will make it worse.
Please, pick up my hand for me and lay it into yours.....I need you...I love you I dont know how to cope without you. I miss our life so very much. You are all I ever wanted in my life and I dont know what is going on.Being with you two is all I want in my life....Schmoopie...xoxo
Monday, Oct 10, 2005 -
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